
Fact: 29% of the world's freshwater is underground.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Taking Action!

As the final part of our project we have set up a donation page on the Thirst Project website! Throughout this project we have learned about different ways of getting clean water, different places effected by the water crisis and things that can effect others access to water.

The Thirst Project that we found very interesting and are very excited to be able to help! You can donate directly to the Thirst Project through our page and 100% of your donations go to helping the water crisis.

We have a goal of $150 and have until December 31st, 2015 to reach our goal. We will be sharing our page on Facebook, Twitter and with out friends and families! You can also share the blog by going to our page and hit share! Here is the link: Our Donation Page!

The money goes towards the Thirst Project's Swaziland Project that they are currently working on. Our recent posts can give you more information on this Project, the places they are helping and what they do. You can also visit their website for more information on the charity: Thirst Project .

Donating as little as $25 can give one person clean water for life. $50 can give a married couple clean water for life. $100 can give a family water for life.  $12,000 can build a well providing a whole village with safe, clean water.

Doing this Genius hour has taught us a lot about ways to clean water, people effected by the water crisis and much more. We've enjoyed learning about this and are very happy to be fundraising to help people in Swaziland.

Thirst Project's Twitter
Donation Page
Thirst Project
Victoria's Twitter

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